Markdown and Git for design documents

Something that I find very important to do before undertaking big cross-team developments is to write down a design document. Unfortunately, I have seldom seen teams do that, yet they are very useful in my experience!

Having design documents can really help have a good discussion about a solution, within and across teams, before you start implementing something. Furthermore, time passes. People forget the reason why a decision was taken, people leave and join teams, and having written down something that can give context about a decision that has been taken is super useful.

A design document should include at the very least:

  • some background on the topic;
  • the objective you want to achieve;
  • a high-level overview of the solution you are proposing;
  • alternatives considered and why you opted for your solution.

There are a lot of details that should go into the document, like interactions with other systems, security, scalability, etc. of your solution. I will put some resources at the bottom, but this post is not about that.

What I want to discuss here is the tooling to use for design documents. I’ve seen teams use mostly Word or Google Docs for them, but I recently joined a team that was not used to writing them. What I wanted to do to show the benefits of the practice (show, don’t tell) was to just write one. So, I simply created a new git repo, started typing in a markdown file, and opened a PR.

The benefits I can see with respect to using something like Word or Google Docs are:

  • we’re developers! We write markdown all the time, in PRs and issues;
  • Markdown has enough structure to make the document readable, but it allows you to avoid worrying about the formatting and lets you focus on the content;
  • you get history, logs, and all the other usual VCS benefits;
  • we can get a discussion on a draft, with comments and mail notifications, simply by creating a PR;
  • when the PR is merged, the document is considered final.

Using familiar tools like markdown and a simple PR on GitHub means that the barrier for entry is super low, and this encourages participation from everyone - especially more junior developers, who may not be used to the practice of “actually thinking and writing something down before blasting away code”. ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus, having a single repo makes it easy to find all the documents, along with their history, and do things like retrace the original authors for questions.

That’s it - my big discovery. Very simple, and I imagine many people already do so, but I thought it was a good idea, worth sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚
