SQL - Group by on steroids

The most powerful SQL databases, like Oracle (but, in this case, also SQL Server, DB2 and Sybase) have a lot of tricks. This time we’re going to see one that applies to GROUP BY expressions.

First, let’s define a simple schema:

    country     VARCHAR(10),
    sale_date   DATE,
    amount      NUMBER

    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Italy',   TO_DATE('2014-10-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 52)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Italy',   TO_DATE('2014-10-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 54)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Italy',   TO_DATE('2014-11-21', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 53)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Italy',   TO_DATE('2014-12-20', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 59)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Italy',   TO_DATE('2015-01-03', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 51)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'France',  TO_DATE('2014-10-03', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 62)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'France',  TO_DATE('2014-10-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 64)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'France',  TO_DATE('2014-11-23', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 63)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'France',  TO_DATE('2014-12-21', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 6)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'France',  TO_DATE('2015-01-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 61)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Germany', TO_DATE('2014-10-07', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 72)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Germany', TO_DATE('2014-10-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 74)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Germany', TO_DATE('2014-11-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 73)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Germany', TO_DATE('2014-12-30', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 79)
    INTO Sales VALUES ( 'Germany', TO_DATE('2015-01-15', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 71)

Incidentally, notice the trick we used to insert multiple rows.

Let’s also create a simple view to help us group the data by years and months:

SELECT country,
       EXTRACT(year FROM sale_date) AS year,
       EXTRACT(month FROM sale_date) AS month,
       EXTRACT(day FROM sale_date) AS day,
  FROM Sales;

Ok, let’s start with a simple query: let’s get the total of sales by country and year:

SELECT country, year, SUM(amount)
  FROM VWSales
 GROUP BY country, year;

which gives us the expected answer:

France   2014    195
France   2015    61
Germany  2014    298
Germany  2015    71
Italy    2014    218
Italy    2015    51

Now, let’s make the request a bit harder. We want to get the total of sales by country and year, but also see the total for a given country across all years and the total for an year across all countries. Basically, if we placed the data in a matrix-like, row-column organization, we want to see the totals across the rows and columns. We can achieve this with this query:

  SELECT country, year, SUM(amount)
    FROM VWSales
   GROUP BY country, year
  SELECT country, NULL, SUM(amount)
    FROM VWSales
   GROUP BY country
   SELECT NULL, year, SUM(amount)
    FROM VWSales
   GROUP BY year
ORDER BY country, year

which gives us:

France    2014      195
France    2015      61
France    (null)    256
Germany   2014      298
Germany   2015      71
Germany   (null)    369
Italy     2014      218
Italy     2015      51
Italy     (null)    269
(null)    2014      711
(null)    2015      183

If we take a look at the execution plan, though, we can see that we have three full table scans on our table. That’s terrible!


A better solution to our requirement is to use the great GROUP BY CUBE feature. Let’s first see the new query:

SELECT country, year, SUM(amount)
  FROM VWSales
 GROUP BY CUBE(country, year)
 ORDER BY country, year

This query extracts (almost) the same result as before: we actually have one more row for (null), (null). However, the execution plan is quite different: we now have only one full table scan! Muchbetter!

So, what does the GROUP BY CUBE syntax means? It basically tells Oracle to perform all the combinations of the columns included, meaning that not only do we get all the pairs of values, but we also get pairs of the form (null, year), (country, null) and (null, null) automatically. This can be extremely helpful if we need some OLAP-like kind of reporting, from which actually the CUBE name is taken.

Obviously you don’t have to include only two columns in the GROUP BY clause; any number will work, but be careful because you’ll get an explosion of results since all the possible combinations will be computed.


A related feature is GROUP BY ROLLUP. Suppose you’d need to get the same query as before, but including also the month. GROUP BY CUBE would generate too many rows, since it would also generate rows of the form (country, null as year, month) which aren’t that useful: our columns have a hierarchical structure. So, we can write the query with GROUP BY ROLLUP:

SELECT country, year, month, SUM(amount)
  FROM VWSales
 GROUP BY ROLLUP(country, year, month)
 ORDER BY country, year, month

which gives us:

France      2014    10      126
France      2014    11      63
France      2014    12      6
France      2014    (null)  195
France      2015    1       61
France      2015    (null)  61
France      (null)  (null)  256
Germany     2014    10      146
Germany     2014    11      73
Germany     2014    12      79
Germany     2014    (null)  298
Germany     2015    1       71
Germany     2015    (null)  71
Germany     (null)  (null)  369
Italy       2014    10      106
Italy       2014    11      53
Italy       2014    12      59
Italy       2014    (null)  218
Italy       2015    1       51
Italy       2015    (null)  51
Italy       (null)  (null)  269
(null)      (null)  (null)  894

Quoting from Oracle’s documentation:

ROLLUP enables a SELECT statement to calculate multiple levels of subtotals across a specified group of dimensions. It also calculates a grand total. ROLLUP is a simple extension to the GROUP BY clause, so its syntax is extremely easy to use. The ROLLUP extension is highly efficient, adding minimal overhead to a query.


To get even more control, we can use GROUP BY GROPING SETS. This allows us to specify multiple ways of grouping up the data. For instance, the previous query with ROLLUP did not include rows of the type (null, year, null) since the grouping was hierarchical on all dimensions, including the country. Similary, the first query with CUBE, if we added months, would have had a lot of pointless rows. We can solve the problem with GROUPING SETS:

SELECT country, year, month, SUM(amount)
  FROM VWSales
 GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((country, year, month),
                        (country, year),
 ORDER BY country, year, month

Basically we have to give the convenience of the expressions ROLLUP and CUBE and specifiy manually all the different kinds of aggregations we want. However, we can get exactly the results we want:

France      2014    10      126
France      2014    11      63
France      2014    12      6
France      2014    (null)  195
France      2015    1       61
France      2015    (null)  61
France      (null)  (null)  256
Germany     2014    10      146
Germany     2014    11      73
Germany     2014    12      79
Germany     2014    (null)  298
Germany     2015    1       71
Germany     2015    (null)  71
Germany     (null)  (null)  369
Italy       2014    10      106
Italy       2014    11      53
Italy       2014    12      59
Italy       2014    (null)  218
Italy       2015    1       51
Italy       2015    (null)  51
Italy       (null)  (null)  269
(null)      2014    (null)  711
(null)      2015    (null)  183
(null)      (null)  (null)  894

Notice that we have had to include the special group () to get the grand total.


Admittedly, this kind of queries don’t come up very often. But, when they do, GROUP BY CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS can give you a much simpler and faster query.

Some documentation is available at Oracle’s and SQL Server’s websites.