Introduction to Parsing - 6

This post is part of the Introduction to parsing series.

In the last part we have taught our parser how to handle function calls. For this time variables were promised… but it turns out we have some details to handle before we can get to them. Onwards!


There are two issues that we need to iron out before we can successfully parse variables: one conceptually simple but long to implement, which will be the subject of this post, and one shorter but more complex that we’ll leave for next time.

The first problem is that, at the moment, our parser is only able to handle one-line expressions. If we are going to implement variables, we need to extend it to be able to handle more lines: otherwise, how are we going to refer to the created variables? So, the first preliminary thing we need to do is to teach it how to handle newlines.

Again, we are going to start our work in the lexer. The current grammar is this:

token : number | identifier | OPERATOR;

number : DIGIT [DIGIT]* ['.' DIGIT*];


OPERATOR: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '(' | ')';

DIGIT: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9';



Now we are going to add a new rule:

end-of-line: '\n';

and we are going to change token to:

token : number | identifier | end-of-line | OPERATOR;

The changes to the code shouldn’t yield many suprises by now: we start by adding a new token type:

enum class TokenType
    END_OF_LINE,		// This is the new one

We also add a simple test:

CASE("lexing 'a\n3'") {
        std::istringstream input{"a\n3"};
        Lexer lexer(input);

        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::IDENTIFIER, "a"));
        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::END_OF_LINE, ""));
        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::NUMBER, "3"));


And finally we modify the lexer code: we start by creating some new methods:

bool Lexer::isEol(char candidate) const
    return candidate == '\n';

Token Lexer::parseNewLine()
    return Token(TokenType::END_OF_LINE, "");

Then we can add the new case to the nextToken method:

Token Lexer::nextToken()
    if (atEof_) {
        return Token(TokenType::END_OF_INPUT, "");

    if (std::isdigit(next_)) {
        return parseNumber();
    } else if (isIdentifierStart(next_)) {
        return parseIdentifier();
    } else if (isEol(next_)) {
        return parseNewLine();
    } else {
        return parseOperator();

Finally, we notice that we have to modify skipSpaces so that it doesn’t skip newlines:

void Lexer::skipSpaces()
    while (!atEof_ && !isEol(next_) && std::isspace(next_)) {

With these simple changes, we are done.

Windows-style newlines

Since we would like for our code to work correctly on Windows, it would be nice if it was able to handle windows-style end of lines. We are going to do this by changing the grammar to this:

token : number | identifier | end-of-line | OPERATOR;

number : DIGIT [DIGIT]* ['.' DIGIT*];


OPERATOR: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '(' | ')';

DIGIT: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9';



end-of-line: '\r'? '\n';

(where we have used ? to denote “optionally”). This gives us a somewhat strange behaviour: it means that our lexer will handle mixed-style lines (e.g. a line ending with \n and the following with \r\n). This might be a desiderable feature or a bug, depending on the case. Since it is simple to implement, we’ll take it. :-) The code changes are few:

bool Lexer::isEol(char candidate) const
    return candidate == '\n' || candidate == '\r';

Token Lexer::parseNewLine()
    if (next_ == '\r') {
        if (next_ != '\n') {
            throw InvalidInputException("Expected a \n after a \r");
    return Token(TokenType::END_OF_LINE, "");

We also need to add a couple trivial tests that you can check out on github.


It is time to teach our parser to handle multiple-lines programs. We are going to add these new rule to our parser’s grammar:

program: [end-of-line]* [expression end-of-line+]*

Meaning: a program can start with as many end-of-line as the user wants. Then it must contain a sequence of one expression, followed by at least one end-of-line.

We will modify our parser so that, for each expression parsed, it will print out its value. Since we want to be able to check what the program printed in the unit tests, we’ll make the parser take a generic std::ostream object in the constructor:

class Parser
    Parser(std::istream& istream, std::ostream &ostream = std::cout);

    void parseProgram();
    double evalNextExpression();            // Unchanged
    std::ostream &ostream_;

    // Rest unchanged

Next thing up, as usual, are the tests:

std::string parseProgramOutput(std::string program)
    std::ostringstream output;
    std::istringstream input{program};
    Parser parser(input, output);

    // Normalize EOL to unix style
    return replaceAll(output.str(), "\r\n", "\n");

const lest::test testParser[] = {
    // as before

    CASE("parsing program 1 should print 1 EOL") {
        EXPECT("1\n" == parseProgramOutput("1"));

    CASE("parsing program 1 + 2 EOL 1 + 3 should print 3 EOL 4 EOL") {
        EXPECT("3\n4\n" == parseProgramOutput("1 + 2\n1 + 3\n"));

    CASE("parsing program EOL 3 EOL EOL 4 should print 3 EOL 4 EOL") {
        EXPECT("3\n4\n" == parseProgramOutput("\n3\n\n4"));

In the various tests we are calling the parser with some simple programs, making the parser write to a std::ostringstream object instead that on the standard output, and checking that the printed output is what we expected. If you check out the committed code, you will see that we also did some refactoring to the older parser tests.

The modifications to the parser shouldn’t be too surprising now, given how we have written the grammar. The core method is the new parseProgram:

void Parser::parseProgram()
    while (hasNextToken_) {
        double value = evalNextExpression();
        ostream_ << value << std::endl;

Parsing a program means skipping over new lines, parsing an expression and then a new line. Just as the grammar said. :-)

we have created also a simple helper method:

void Parser::parseNewLine()
    if (!hasNextToken_) {
        // We consider an end of file to be OK.
    if (nextToken_.getTokenType() != TokenType::END_OF_LINE) {
        throw InvalidInputException("Expected a newline");

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that, as usual, the new parseNewLine method maintains the class invariant by calling advance at the end.

What about main?

It’s time to modify a bit our main function. This is the new version:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    Parser parser(std::cin, std::cout);
    return 0;

With this changes, we have a beginning of a REPL in our program! Sadly, it’s quite disappointing: given how we handle the lookahead character and token, when the user enters something like 42<ENTER> the program waits for another expression (or an <ENTER>) before printing the expression’s value. Basically, the program is always one line late with respect to the input. This is rather annoying, but we aren’t going to focus too much on this since fixing it would require changing quite a bit how our parser and lexer work, and a REPL isn’t the focus of this series.


Our parser is now able to handle simple “programs”, meaning lists of arithmetic expressions. It may not look like much, but it was a required step towards our objectives. Next time: variables. I promise. :-)