Introduction to Parsing - 4

This post is part of the Introduction to parsing series.

In the last part we have started making some real changes on our little parser, giving it the ability to handle basic arithmetics such as the four basic operations. In this part, we are going to teach it to handle parenthesis and floating numbers. Let’s dive in!


Last time, we left our parser with this grammar.

expression: term [ ('+'|'-') term ]*;

term : factor [ ('*'|'/') factor]*;

factor : NUMBER;

Let us now think about how we are going to modify it to handle parenthesis. The first thing to notice is that we want parenthesis to have an higher priority than sums and multiplications. Therefore, we know we will have to modify something in the factor definition. Furthermore, we want to be able to put additions, multiplications and other parenthesis inside parenthesis. A grammar that lets us handle all that is the following:

expression: term [ ('+'|'-') term ]*;

term : factor [ ('*'|'/') factor]*;

factor :   NUMBER
         | '(' expression ')';

The change from the previous one is that, now, a factor can be either a number or an open parenthesis, followed by an expression, followed by a closed parenthesis. If you think about some examples, you’ll see that this grammar can handle our requirements.

Implementing this change is quite simple: specifically, we just have to change our evalNextFactor method to this:

int Parser::evalNextFactor()
    if (nextToken_.getTokenType() == TokenType::NUMBER) {
        int value = atoi(nextToken_.getContent().c_str());
        return value;
    } else if (nextToken_.getTokenType()== TokenType::OPERATOR
        && nextToken_.getContent() == "(") {
        // We match the '(' via advance; parse an expression; then match the ')'

        int value = evalNextExpression();

        if (!hasNextToken_
            || nextToken_.getTokenType() != TokenType::OPERATOR
            || nextToken_.getContent() != ")") {
            throw InvalidInputException("Expected a closed parenthesis but found token: " + nextToken_.getContent());

        return value;
    else {
        throw InvalidInputException("Found an unexpected token: " + nextToken_.getContent());

And with this change, we can now handle correctly expressions such as ((2 + 3) * (3 + 4)). It’s a good start. ;-)

Floating points - writing the tests

Let us now extend our parser so that it can handle floating points. First we’re going to add some tests to our parser and lexers, and to replace int with double in our parser code:

const lest::test testLexer[] = {
    // ... as before

    CASE("lexing '3.14'") {
        std::istringstream input{"3.14"};
        Lexer lexer(input);

        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::NUMBER, "3.14"));


    // ... as before

    CASE("lexing '2.3 * 1 + 4'") {
        std::istringstream input{"2.3 * 1 + 4"};
        Lexer lexer(input);

        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::NUMBER, "2.3"));
        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::OPERATOR, "*"));
        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::NUMBER, "1"));
        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::OPERATOR, "+"));
        EXPECT(lexer.nextToken() == Token(TokenType::NUMBER, "4"));

    // ... as before

const lest::test testParser[] = {
    // ... as before
    CASE("parsing '3.14'") {
        std::istringstream input{"3.14"};
        Parser parser(input);
        EXPECT(approx(3.14) == parser.evalNextExpression());

    // ... as before

    CASE("parsing '1.5 + 1 / 2") {
        std::istringstream input{"1.5 + 1 / 2"};
        Parser parser(input);

        EXPECT(approx(2) == parser.evalNextExpression());

    // ... as before

Floating points - passing the tests

Writing the tests was the easy part; we now have to think about how we are going to actually fix the code. The answer, however, is quite simple: if we modify our lexer so that it can handle floating points as a NUMBER token, just as it did with integers, the parser will almost work. We only need to do a small change: we have to replace the call to atoi with one to atof:

        double value = atof(nextToken_.getContent().c_str());

Since we have already changed the various int to double in the various function return types, that’s all we have to do for the parser.

Finally, only the lexer needs to be fixed. Our lexer is currently working with this grammar:

token : number | OPERATOR;

number : DIGIT [DIGIT]*;

OPERATOR: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '(' | ')';

DIGIT: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9';

We can teach it to handle floats by changing the number definition:

number : DIGIT [DIGIT]* ['.' DIGIT*];

Basically we have now definied number to be a DIGIT, followed optionally by a sequence of digits, followed optionally by a dot and an (optionally empty) sequence of DIGITs. This means that we can handle things like 789, 123.456, 0.123 or 3.. This also means that we cannot handle .42 (floats where the integer part is omitted), which is rather common in many programming languages. This is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)

Let’s see the code:

Token Lexer::parseNumber()
    std::string num;

    // Integer part
    while (!atEof_ && isdigit(next_)) {
        num += next_;

    // Dot and floating part?
    if (!atEof_ && next_ == '.') {
        num += '.';
        while (!atEof_ && isdigit(next_)) {
            num += next_;

    return Token(TokenType::NUMBER, num);


We have now a reasonable parser, able to parse basic arithmetic expressions. The next time, we’ll try to teach it how to handle function calls, such as exp 3 or cos(3.14).