Crazy debugging stories - Recursion

Welcome to the first post of my new miniseries, where I’ll be sharing some of the most intricate and entertaining bug investigations I’ve done throughout my career. I hope you find these stories enjoyable!

Recursion Link to heading

Over a decade ago, I used to work in a large and crazy C++ code base. The system had a feature that allowed our customers to search for a record based on a referred field’s value. For example, if we had an incident table, you could search by an attribute of the incident’s assignee (which referred to a record of user).

We had a report from a customer that, when they tried to use that feature, the webapp froze for a while and then errored with the message “application not available”. A quick look at the logs told us that the backend process crashed with a with segmentation fault (SIGSEGV). If I remember correctly, the server was, at the time, running HP-UX on Itanium - so luckily we had a core file.

After some time to get all the credentials and instructions to access that weird machine, I started investigating the core file with gdb. Apparently, the process was crashing in a function that looked something like this:

string buildSearchSql(Transaction &tx, ...) {
    SearchParams params;
    params.tx = tx;
    // ...

The function would build the search criteria from the HTTP request into a SQL query. If the customer used the referred field search feature to build something like find me all the incident where assignee is in (find all the users whose manager is :param), the function would do a recursive call - the outer call would be to build the query for the incident table, and the inner for user.

The debugger pointed at line 2 of that function as the point of the crash, which looked impossible - how could a variable declaration crash the process?! So my initial assumption was that the core dump was corrupted due to some invalid memory access, and I started to investigate that function and the callers for memory problems. However, after going at that for a while and not finding anything, I went back to the original line and I started thinking of all that could possibly be happening. You know, when you can’t explain what you are seeing, you go back and question your basic assumptions. 🙂

After a while, I realized that the core file was not lying - the process actually was crashing because of a variable declaration. It turned out that sizeof(SearchParams) was in the range of 700 kb, and that the HP-UX server was configured with a 2 MB stack size per thread. When the customer was executing a search like the one above on incident and user, i.e. two levels of recursions, that would work. But, once they went a level deeper in the search recursion (say, some condition on a field referred by user, e.g. = :country), the stack would blow up because we’d have three recursive calls - and thus three variables of ~700kb allocated on the stack - exceeding the 2 MB stack size!

If I remember correctly, the fix I did at the time was simply to move that variable from the stack to the heap. But this bug’s investigation was both surprising and a lot of fun.